

Alternative Tax Strategies For Paying Alimony After January 1, 2019

by Robert E. Goldstein, Esq. Since any alimony arrangement made after January 1, 2019 will not be deductible from the gross income of the spouse paying it nor includible in the gross income of the spouse receiving it, an alternate method of gaining a tax benefit to the paying spouse may be to have that …

Alternative Tax Strategies For Paying Alimony After January 1, 2019 Read More »

Deep Listening Training Seminar with Valerie Brown

On Wednesday evening members of Collaborative Divorce Professionals and Monmouth County Collaborative Divorce and Mediation Professionals attended a deep listening training seminar with Valerie Brown, of Lead Smart. Listening is a vital and overlooked leadership skill and the cornerstone of building trustworthy relationships. As a collaboratively trained professional, it is essential to have skills to …

Deep Listening Training Seminar with Valerie Brown Read More »

CPD member, Donna Ranieri, Played Wilma in “Lovers and Other Strangers”

Lovers And Other Strangers is a play about couples trying to work out their marriages instead of going for a divorce. Donna is delighted to be playing the character of Wilma for her debut in this 1970s Comedy. Wilma is a very progressive, independent woman for her time. Donna exemplifies many of the personality traits …

CPD member, Donna Ranieri, Played Wilma in “Lovers and Other Strangers” Read More »

Donna Ranieri Is Awarded The Certified Divorce Lending Professional Designation

The Collaborative Divorce Professionals would like to congratulate Donna Ranieri on becoming a Certified Divorce Lending Professional. A Certified Divorce Lending Professional brings the financial knowledge and expertise of a solid understanding of the connection between Divorce and Family Law, IRS Tax Rules and mortgage financing strategies as they all relate to real estate and …

Donna Ranieri Is Awarded The Certified Divorce Lending Professional Designation Read More »

Pauline H. Tesler: Things Are Not What They Seem

New Jersey Council of Collaborative Practice Groups, is pleased to present “Things Are Not What They Seem: Perception, Memory, Narrative & Naïve Realism In Collaborative Practice” April 20, 2017 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Forsgate Country Club 375 Forsgate Drive, Monroe Township, New Jersey Presenter: Pauline H. Tesler, J.D., CFLS Director, Integrative Law Institute at …

Pauline H. Tesler: Things Are Not What They Seem Read More »

Are your Holidays filled with Gratitude and Joy?

by Madeline Muise, LCSW, LMFT Gratitude and Joy… Tis the season to be Merry…. Not so much for the newly divorced person or ex’s that remain in conflict. Planning for the holiday season can be daunting! Uncertainty is one quality that makes divorce challenging. Traditions, the practices that give families their identity change.What will life look …

Are your Holidays filled with Gratitude and Joy? Read More »