New Jersey Divorce


Alternative Tax Strategies For Paying Alimony After January 1, 2019

by Robert E. Goldstein, Esq. Since any alimony arrangement made after January 1, 2019 will not be deductible from the gross income of the spouse paying it nor includible in the gross income of the spouse receiving it, an alternate method of gaining a tax benefit to the paying spouse may be to have that …

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Terminate Child Support

When Does a Court Order to Pay Child Support Terminate?

by Robert E. Goldstein, Esq. On January 19, 2016, Governor Christie signed S-1046/A-2721 into law. This law establishes 19 as the age when a child support and/or medical support obligation will end. The new law allows for child and/or medical support to continue up to age 23 for cases in which the dependent is still …

When Does a Court Order to Pay Child Support Terminate? Read More »

Child Declared Emancipated After Moving In With Biological Father

by Robert E. Goldstein, Esq. In a published decision issued by the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court on April 13, 2015, the court agreed with a trial court judge that a 20 year woman who had left her mother’s home and began living with her biological father was legally emancipated because she …

Child Declared Emancipated After Moving In With Biological Father Read More »

The New Jersey Family Collaborative Law Act

By Robert E. Goldstein, Esq. On September 10, 2014 Governor Christie signed into law the New Jersey Family Collaborative Law Act.  Collaborative law (also called collaborative practice, divorce, or family law) is a legal process enabling you and your spouse or partner the support, protection, and guidance of your own lawyers in order to avoid …

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