Nonie Nicklas, LMFTMarriage and Family Therapist

: 57 W. Main St. Suite 2A,Freehold, New Jersey, 07728: 732-333-0897: [email protected]

    Personal Mission Statement:
    My belief is that life can be good – no matter what the circumstance. Over the past 16 years, I have been a practicing Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, which has – and continues to be – a most rewarding experience for me, both personally and professionally. My training gives me the ability to look at problems in the context of all areas: family, job, health, and other important relationships that can cause stress and affect your everyday life.

    My goal has always been to strengthen families and their emotional health in a variety of ways such as supporting their feelings, wants, dreams and to continually provide them with insight and knowledge. By doing this, I believe that the entire family unit will benefit, especially the children, whether the parents are living together or apart. This is a systematic approach to therapy.

    I pride myself on being an active listener as well as being able to continually present to my clients’ different perspectives as a couples counselor, family therapist as well as divorce coach. As a therapist, some of the most rewarding moments in my professional life have been when a client begins to realize the changes in his/her life.

    A pinnacle moment for me as a professional, has always been when the client realizes what s/he has discovered about their life, the change in how they relate to others as well as how they exist in they daily life. That is exactly the reason I am passionate about what I do. Simply put, I want to make a difference in other people’s lives.

    Areas of Practice:

    • Family/Marital Therapy
    • Individual Therapy
    • Coaching

    Specialties Include:

    • Couples Counseling
    • Collaborative Law
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Anger
    • Systematic Approach to Therapy

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