The Law Office of Goldzweig, Green, Eiger & Biedzynski, L.L.C. is a general practice law firm that offers their clients representation in matters of litigation, real estate and family practice.
Daniel H. Green has dedicated his practice to all matters of family law and real estate and has combined his skill in those areas of law to offer his clients a unique perspective of experience, addressing the financial and family concerns of his clients, during the time of divorce. Mr. Green has been in practice for more than 25 years and is a member of the Collaborative Divorce Professionals. He has been trained in divorce mediation as both a family law mediator and as a collaborative divorce lawyer practitioner.
Negotiation and conflict resolution is the key to successfully representing a client during the emotional time of divorce. Understanding the needs of the entire family is critical in successfully handling family law matters. Mr. Green brings a unique perspective to the Collaborative law practice offering insight into the financial issues involving the dissolution of a marriage and understanding that it is important to listen to the financial and emotional concerns of his clients during this stressful time. As such, a divorce can happen without Court intervention and with the goals of the client addressed and satisfied.
Member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals