John CaroliBCS Private Wealth Management

: 726 Kings Highway East,Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716: 732-291-7272: [email protected]:

As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), I can work with divorcing couples either as a neutral financial advisor or as an advisor to one spouse if that is needed, to resolve financial issues that arise during the divorce process. I combine education, calculations, and financial planning to find creative solutions, and work closely with team members to resolve alimony, child support and equitable distribution of assets.

I was divorced collaboratively and truly believe that my kids are better off than if we had gone the route of litigation. Because of this I am intimately familiar with and passionately supportive of the collaborative. I studied engineering at URI, Tufts, and MIT. Those skills are useful in the quantitative parts of divorce, but my personal experience has helped me guide clients through the process and deliver peace of mind.

University of Rhode Island, BS Civil/ Environmental Engineering
MIT, Graduate Research Engineer, Environmental Engineering
Tufts, MS Civil/ Environmental Engineering

Work Experience:

•Robert R. Meredith & Co – 1998 – 1999
•Municipal Bond Trader
•UBS, Financial Services – 1999 – 2009
•Financial Advisor, First Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager
•Bernard Caroli Wealth Management – 2009 – Present
•Managing Partner

•Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
•Collaborative Divorce Professionals
•Jersey Shore Collaborative Law Group
•International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP)

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